To the Arctic Circle by train – Northern Light

To the Arctic Circle by train – Northern Light

After a day spent on the train we arrived to the Russian-Norwegian border where we left our fixed track rolling-stock behind and got on a mobile vehicle. We motor coached to the Norwegian Kirkenes where the brave ones could enjoy the uniqueness of ice-cube beds and...
To the Arctic Circle – on the rail

To the Arctic Circle – on the rail

Our journey has not ended yet, we got on board again. We arrived in complete darkness to the northwest corner of Russia, into the port-town of Kola Gulf, Murmansk, located just a few kilometres from the Barents Sea. Not only the lack of sunrise but also the city...
To the Arctic Circle by train

To the Arctic Circle by train

ETravelling by a luxury train is not necessarily of idleness and comfort, rather about taking part of an interesting discovery, being part of a special, eventful adventure. Sometimes even the Golden Eagle Trans Siberian Express does not go along its usual route,...
Carnival of Venice

Carnival of Venice

Velence számára, – amely önmagában is impozáns és misztikus, – a karnevál egy ráadás, ami izgalmassá, pezsgővé, szürreálissá alakítja a csatornák világát, olyan mintha egy hatalmas színpaddá varázsolná a várost. A Szent Márk tér megelevenedik, mindenütt,...


A színek, formák, ívek, hangulatok harmonikus világa. Ez az a táj, amely mindig hív, ahová bármikor kész lennék elindulni. Április a változatos időjárásával megörvendeztetett minket, kaptunk esőt, szelet és hideget, forró napsütést, záport és meleget. Zöld dombok...